Prepare. Plan. Succeed.
Maximise Your Exit Value
Selling your car wash is one of the most significant milestones in your journey. With proper planning, you can ensure you walk away with the best possible outcome!

Planning and Information Discovery
By taking the time to thoroughly understand you and your goals, we can ensure we provide you with the best possible service.
Once we understand what you want to achieve, we will work with you to gather all the key details buyers look for when purchasing a car wash.
Having the full picture before we go to market ensures we can get you the best price for your wash, and prevents potential snags from occurring down the line.
Market Assessment
Once we have gathered all the necessary information, we will undertake a market assessment of your wash. This is a comprehensive analysis that incorporates many different factors, including local area demand, age of equipment, future development, level of owner input, and much more.
Going to the market at an accurate price ensures competition between buyers, and will place you in the strongest possible position when it comes time to decide which offer is best for you.

Marketing Campaign
Our comprehensive marketing campaign ensures your car wash reaches as many potential buyers as possible. Reaching more buyers means more competition, and a higher sale price overall.
While we are specialists in the car wash industry, and have a number of buyers looking for opportunities all around Australia, we are also supported by the nationwide brokerage Benchmark Business Sales.
This gives us a pool of qualified buyers that others just do not have access to, and means we can get you the best possible price for your wash.

Deal Management
Not everyone will be the right buyer for your business. By qualifying buyers early on, and ensuring confidentiality is in place, you can feel confident in knowing a potential buyer is serious.
The work done early on in the sale process now puts you in the best position possible to select the deal that works best for you. We will then work with you to negotiate the details and get the business under contract.

Reaching the Finish Line
We will work closely with all parties involved to ensure the deal continues toward completion. Our experience in business sales gives us the toolkit necessary to navigate due diligence matters and resolve any potential issues that may arise.
Once all the terms of the contract have been satisfied, and the settlement date arrives, its time to celebrate!
You have just sold your car wash, and are now ready to take those next life steps. Congratulations!
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
On Appointment
On Appointment